⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ We have tried many other companies, those types of magnesium did nothing for me, and only wasted more money. But when I read Triquetra website the type of magnesium this is, I knew I found something special, a very high quality magnesium for sure. I just love the ingredients, wow! My experience when taking this my very first night, I felt so much more relaxed, slept more solid, not up all night! I did not have to keep taking it, for it to finally start work, now that is amazing,🤩 The next day as a result of this I had way more energy, and I actually forgot about pain all day long, Wow! So I decided give to my husband, and see if he noticed the same things. We both have pain in our feet, muscle spasms, back pain. And so I asked him the next day after his job, “well how do you feel, do you notice your feet are not hurting, lol? He said that’s true, I don’t, less pain than what he would normally feel, he also slept much better, more relaxed right after taking it before bed time. He definitely felt the benefits. Just happy we found a magnesium that actually works. We did not take the full strength only 1 capsule, not two, as it is pretty strong. When I took two I would be to groggy the next day. So I gave it another try, I took only 1 capsule, it worked just right for both of us. I weigh 165, my hubby is 220. Every one of course is different. Just very grateful I found something that helps this much!
Thank you very, very much Triquetra for a great product! 👍🏻😍