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Have you ever wondered where the term “Buddha Bowl” originated? There are several explanations for the name. It may have derived from presenting a balanced meal, where balance is a crucial Buddhist concept. It could be from the story of Buddha carrying his food bowl to fill it with whatever bits of vegetarian food villagers would offer him. Wherever the name originated, we are happy that Buddha bowls are here. The options are truly endless with these bowls as long as they contain a grain, a legume, blanched leafy greens, steamed vegetables, a pickled vegetable, and a delicious sauce, then you’ve got yourself a buddha bowl!
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For thousands of years people used Black Seed Oil to treat traditional health issues and referred to it as “panacea” or universal healer. Black seed has been used for cooking and in traditional medicine in India, Arabia, and Europe. Laboratory studies have shown that components have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects. 
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